Friday, November 18, 2011

Villa Pictures #2

Here's a better kitchen picture

My FAVORITE part!!!

Play room upstairs - we will get couch and chairs and Logan can play playstation and have friends over to hang out

Hm....  wonder whose room this is??

Cayci's light fixtures (see what I mean!!  beautiful!)

craft/sewing room - now you KNOW I'm in heaven!

Cayci's bathroom

Logan's bathroom - bet you could have figured that one out by yourself!

Logan's bedroom

Front hall and door

Looking out the front door

Looking into the front


so..  this is our new house, and we are SO happy to finally be in a permanent place - unpack - and get settled in.  I couldn't sleep on Wednesday night, so I stayed up all night and unpacked the kitchen (big surprise to those of you who know me!!)....  This afternoon will be the first chance I get to go swimming (although Cayci and Logan have both swam everyday!).  Also, we have the ugliest curtains known to man, and my good friend, Malina, recommended a great curtain man who is supposed to be coming by this afternoon to help me decide how to spruce up our beautiful windows!  And I'm in love with the light fixtures here!!
Kitchen (the other picture didn't post, so I'll add it in the next batch)

Living Room

This is going to be the game room (when we buy some more furniture!)

Cayci snagged this area for her play area!  It's perfect sized for her!

Messy living room (I'll eventually get it all done!)

This will be Nathanial/guest bedroom and bathroom - downstairs

stairway (four sets of them!)

Our room

Our bathroom

the balcony off our bedroom (it overlooks the pool!)

Amwaj market

Last week went took a trip to Amwaj market, and had a great time finding great deals on some fantastic Christmas presents for everyone (sorry!  no pictures of those!).  Cayci and I got our hands henna tatooed - what an art that is!  Then we had a busy three days of teaching and two full days of parent/teacher conferences!  BUT!!!  The great news is:  we have moved into our villa!  The next couple of posts, I will send some pictures, so everyone can see our new home :) 

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Church

The Lentz family enjoyed our first taste of church in Bahrain.  We went (I know, I know--) the safe route and attended church on base-- the Contemporary Service.  It was wonderful!  It was amazing that the place was totally packed, and there was not ONE empty seat left when the service started!  Cayci loved children's church!  We couldn't help ourselves-- we even drove by our new villa.  The last picture is the first picture that we took--!!  Our pool sits underneath the two windows--

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Freedom comes in the way of a rental car!!!  AND we signed the lease on our villa today (move in next Tuesday).  I couldn't resist taking a picture of the little, tiny cans of pop (150 ML) that we found at the supermarket-- you have to totally love Krispy Kreme donuts!!

Ladies Day Out

My friend and I took a trip out to Amwaj Island to meet up with a bunch of teachers.  We enjoyed a fun filled afternoon getting pedicures and taking a boat tour out on the gulf.  We even got to see Michael Jackson's house (which was taken back by the Prince)---It's the second to the last picture!  What a beautiful day!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

At the Pool - Beautiful View

First Vacation Day

Another beautiful day in a beautiful country!  Laid by the pool for a couple of hours, then Cayci (and Daddy!!) actually took a nap (while Logan hung out with the girls upstairs), then took another adventure.  We decided to go to one of the malls in Bahrain.  It was beautiful!  Expensive, but did have some of the favorite stores I love (Gymboree, Areopostle... and TONS of kids clothing and toy stores!  I told everyone that everyone LOVES kids here!